⭐๐Ÿ‘‰ Street Fighter One: King of the Hill

One of the games that enjoys the most remakes is Street Fighter One. This is because the game has a great, compelling story, and at the same time it is the beginning of a continuing legend, that of the Street Fighter.
And so, thanks to Nexus Gaming and MUGEN, comes another remake dedicated to the early years of these masters. This time the tournament is called King of the Hill and is more like a Street Fighter tournament. Here the fighters are in an expanded lineup, and you will find many contenders who are part of Final Fight history. The look of the characters has also been changed, now using more modern and up-to-date images to build the characters, and the new Mugen engine makes them move really attractively. The control over the gaming is perfect, which will surely please the fans.

Technical Information:
Developer: Nexus Games
Type: Remix/Game
Engine: MUGEN
Genre: Fighting Game
License: Free [Free to Download - Free to Play]
Status: Ready to Play
⭐๐Ÿ‘‰ Download Street Fighter One: King of the Hill
