⭐๐Ÿ‘‰ What about the game Street Fighter One by Paragu MUGEN?

Street Fighter One and Paragu MUGEN

You know Paragu, one of the very good authors of MUGEN and OpenBoR in Brazil. Today we will present his version of the remake of the game Street Fighter One.

In this version, you'll find the classic characters from the original game, but tweaked with new and modern sprites. Their new images are part of a new, more modern generation of images that allow you to enjoy the full potential of the game. In addition to a modern look, they also have new qualities. So it is now possible for the characters to perform many new and better moves, fighting grips, and the available ones to look more spectacular and impressive.

Special attention should be paid to the characters of Retsu, Goken, and Joe. These characters have been heavily revamped. They have a large array of interesting and effective new moves and combos that are easily, effortlessly performed. Their presence is iconic in this version of the game, and they have also become some of the fan favorite characters. Their new presence is highly inspiring. For example, in the game Street Fighter One [MUGEN] Remake by Paragu, Retsu can perform as many as 4 types of Tatsumaki [flying kick]. Some of which are unable to be parried by the opponent because they include Sweep, a low stumbling attack that is difficult to block from a standing opponent. In addition, there is also a series of powerful hand strikes that can easily incapacitate any opponent.

Joe also looks very well put together. He is one of the most powerful characters in the game, as his ultra combo can eliminate an opposing fighter in one go. He also has a kick that he can deliver from high with two feet. This punch slams the opponent into the ground, rebounds, and can be knocked out once more.

Gouken also shows its incredible potential. His Shoryuken is now strong and powerful and emits a strong light generated by lightning. He has his image that we know from Street Fighter IV but is far more effective and powerful.

Well, the game is quite well built with great spirit and desire. Developer Paragu has tried to please fans with the best of what the MUGEN guild is capable of.

Technical Information:

Developer: Paragu MUGEN [YouTube]
Type: Remix
Engine: MUGEN
Genre: Fighting Game
License: Free [Free to Download - Free to Play]
Status: Ready to Play


⭐๐Ÿ‘‰ Download Street Fighter One by Paragu MUGEN [Terabox]

⭐๐Ÿ‘‰ Download Street Fighter One [Paragu MUGEN] via developer [Gamejolt]

